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BELLINGHAM, WA. – (MyBellinghamNow.com) Are there any improvements you want to see to the county’s walking and biking accessibility?
Whatcom County’s Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee is meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 14, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Members of the public are invited to give their feedback on any potential fixes in pedestrian and biking infrastructure.
The committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month.
Participants can attend either in person at the Civic Building Garden Level Conference Room in Bellingham or online via Zoom.
Find more details on how to attend on the Whatcom County Public Works Facebook page.
Jason Upton is a reporter and afternoon news anchor at KGMI. Feel free to send any story ideas or news tips to jupton@cascaderadiogroup.com.
A local father has teamed up with regional pilots to take patients to Seattle Children’s Hospital via seaplanes.
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The voter turnout for this special election was just under 38% of all registered voters.
The victim’s mother contacted police after finding incriminating conversations on her daughter’s phone.
It was a great night for the Lynden Lions, as both top-seeded teams booked their ticket to the state tournament.
