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LEWES, Del. – DelDOT is hosting an upcoming open house to receive public feedback on a proposed intersection improvement project in Sussex County.
They’re looking to make improvements along Kings Highway (US 9) from Route 1 to Freeman Highway in Lewes.
Community Relations Director C.R. McLeod said the concept was first brought to the public two years ago but continued growth in Sussex County is making for an increase in traffic volume.
He added that the open house will provide some updates and give residents a better sense of what the path forward is. “We are looking to add roundabouts at a number of the intersections here because of their ability to increase safety and also keep traffic moving efficiently,” McLeod said. “I think anyone that travels this road on a regular basis understands the need. We’re also seeing increased traffic volumes and also issues at the intersections. Obviously when there’s any safety issues, we want to address those and improves those.”
McLeod said that construction on the project is still several years away.
The public workshop is set for next Tuesday, February 20th at Cape Henlopen High School from 4:00- 7:00 p.m.
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