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We received many wonderful submissions, and the selection committee judges had an incredibly difficult decision choosing the top three logos. You can view all the logo contest entries here. Thank you students for submitting your amazing designs and being part of this experience!
Calling all Peninsula School District students! Our district has had the same logo for 20 years. It's time for a major update and we need your help! Create your best logo that represents our school district and enter it in the PSD Design Challenge. These logos will be used as design inspiration for our new PSD logo and students will each receive formal recognition at a future school board meeting and prizes from our local sponsors. Winners will also be featured on the district website, social media and brand launch video.
The purpose of this design challenge is to highlight student artwork from across our district and to give our graphic designers inspiration for a new graphic to represent the Peninsula School District. The logo should meet the following criteria:
Current Peninsula School District students. There is a maximum of two entries per student.
The winning students at the elementary, middle and high school level will each be recognized at a school board meeting. Winners will also be featured on the district website, social media and brand launch video. Local sponsors Paige Schulte, Neighborhood Experts Real Estate and Rachel Peirce, R Storie have generously donated prizes for the winners: 
Elementary School
$100 R Storie gift card (donated by Rachel Peirce - R Storie)
$20 Menchie’s gift card (donated by Paige Schulte - Neighborhood Experts)
Middle School
$100 R Storie gift card (donated by Rachel Peirce - R Storie)
$30 Galaxy Theatre gift card (donated by Paige Schulte - Neighborhood Experts)
High School
$100 R Storie gift card (donated by Rachel Peirce - R Storie)
Apple AirPods (donated by Paige Schulte - Neighborhood Experts)
A committee made up of school board members, principals, district administrators and community members will select the top design at each of the three levels. These three designs will be forwarded to our branding graphic designer to create our new logo. 
Questions? Email Kris Hagel at hagelk@psd401.net.
