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In the ever-evolving landscape of dental practice management, the cost of crafting a tailored online presence is as varied as the treatments you provide. The investment into a practice website can fluctuate dramatically due to factors such as your dental website design agency and how much customization you want. While two marketing firms might offer seemingly similar solutions, a closer look often reveals the reasons for price disparities.
The adage "you get what you pay for" rings true when it comes to procuring a custom dental website. To guide you in setting a sensible budget for your digital home, I’ll offer expert insights to help you gauge a reasonable price range for the caliber of website you want.
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The cost of creating a unique dental website runs from $3,500 to $30,000, and sometimes even more than that. With such a broad range, it's essential to factor in the following aspects when evaluating the value of your investment. 
Customization vs. templates: Template designs can be modified to an extent, but they come with limitations. Such designs often entail recurring annual fees and suboptimal search engine performance due to subpar coding. In contrast, a fully customized dental website encompasses every facet, from layout and visuals to content and branding. This comprehensive approach not only serves your immediate needs but also lays a strong foundation for long-term online success. 
Time and effort: The hours dedicated to crafting your website correlate directly with its cost. While some sites can be swiftly assembled using predesigned elements, the result often lacks depth and originality. A genuinely custom website necessitates time and effort, which reflects the dedication poured into a tailored online representation of your practice. Asking how much design and development time will be spent on building your website is a very relevant question and adds a level of transparency. 
Aligning with your budget: Don't dismiss the possibility of a "premium custom new website" based solely on budget assumptions. Firms such as Rosemont Media cater to health-care professionals with diverse packages that accommodate various financial brackets. Determining the ideal package depends on your priorities. Is the focus on attracting patients, educating visitors, offering online forms, or showcasing procedures? Tailoring your website's features to these goals defines its price point. 
Beyond the homepage: While the homepage draws in readers, internal landing pages sustain their engagement. Elevating these pages with captivating imagery and cohesive content reinforces your brand identity and commitment to patient experience. Check out this example of a well-executed custom landing page for porcelain veneers from True Dentistry in Las Vegas.
Mobile optimization: Responsive design for mobile devices is essential, but it goes beyond simple resizing. A seamless mobile experience demands thoughtful curation of elements for enhanced usability and ease of contact. 
Future-proof technology and SEO: Staying ahead in the digital sphere involves building your website on a future-proof platform and implementing lasting dental SEO strategies. Platforms such as WordPress allow continual updates to align with evolving technologies, and this ensures your website remains relevant. 
Credibility and reputation: Your website mirrors your practice's credibility. A modern and organized design instills confidence while an outdated site might convey the opposite. Regular website updates and redesigns maintain a positive image. 
Unique and relevant content: The quality of content significantly influences your website's performance. Custom, original content sets you apart, driving better search engine rankings. This extends to creative ways of presenting information, such as infographics, which enhances visibility. 
This is something that should be budgeted separately from the cost of design and development. For a new practice starting out, the budget should be $10,000 to $16,000; the typical cost for one page of content with 750 to 1,000 words ranges from $400 to $1,200. If you want to compete in your local market, then you will need an ongoing dental content marketing strategy. The budget for this strategy should be about $1,000 to $2,000 a month, or $12,000 to $24,000 annually.  
Content updates: Investing in regular content updates and adding pages ensures your website remains current, which accommodates new treatments and advancements. Development packages with ongoing page additions and updated content offer long-term value. 
Value correlates with cost when it comes to website development. Low quotes might be tempting, but a comprehensive understanding of what's included is essential to prevent high costs in the long run. A carefully designed custom website will have high lead conversion rates. On average, most premier dental practices should budget around $14,000 for a new or redesigned custom website. 
For more guidance on evaluating website design and development options, we encourage you to contact Rosemont Media. Our experienced consultants can help you establish an appropriate budget and tailor a website design package to match your specific needs.
This article originally appeared in DE Weekend, the newsletter that willelevate your Sunday mornings with practical and innovative practice management and clinical content from experts across the field.Subscribe here.
Rosemont Media CEO Keith C. Humes is at the forefront of website development, search engine optimization, and marketing strategies for health-care professionals. After founding the company in 2008, Keith quickly made Rosemont Media a leader in the marketplace, helping clients increase their profiles with effective SEO strategies, social media optimization, and responsive website design and development. Keith lectures nationally at events including the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry’s Scientific Session. Visit Rosemont Media for more information.
